Our speaker will be Allan Taylor, Lifeway. His topic: "On Track to make Sunday School Thrive"
SENIOR PASTOR'S GATHERING Please join us for a "Big Breakfast" August 2, 2018 at 1st Masaryktown. Come join the fellowship ......& good food.
SENIOR PASTOR'S GATHERING "Big Breakfast" for two north Senior Pastor's Gatherings. Come & join the fellowship...and good food!
"SENIOR PASTOR'S GATHERING" "Big Breakfast" for two north gatherings at North Oak Baptist.
"Lead like Jesus" Topic: "The Heart of a Leader Workshop" Light Breakfast & Luncheon
Our speaker for the evening will be Jerry Waugh from Northcliffe. His theme will be: "Seven Essentials to an Effective Deacon's Ministry"
Senior Pastor's Gathering "Big Breakfast" @ Northcliffe This will be a special gathering of the Senior Pastor's Gatherings - Zones 3&4 Come join the fellowship & good food.
Sr. Pastor's Gatherings "Big Breakfast" This will be a special gathering of the two northern Senior Pastor's Gatherings. Come join the fellowship...and good food! @1st Baptist Crystal River. 8:00am