Labor Day – Office Closed
Office Closed - Office reopens Sept. 7th, 9:00 - 3:00pm
Office Closed - Office reopens Sept. 7th, 9:00 - 3:00pm
Office open Sept. 7th 9 - 3pm
Speaker: JJ Johnson, Sr. Pastor - South Tampa Fellowship Topic: Creating a Contagious Church Culture Take a Ways: Creating a contagious Church culture is all about a clear vision that your staff, volunteers & then our congregation can buy into.
Please come out join the fellowship and enjoy good food!
Come and enjoy the fellowship and delicious food!
You are welcome at our Annual Meeting to come and meet with friends and share in the business meeting and then in the worship program with a bounty of delicious foods afterwards!
As event gets closer, more info will be announced!
How to become a Foster parent! Speaker: Florida Baptist Children's Home
May you and your family have a very happy Thanksgiving together! Office w/reopen Mon. 29th 9-3pm